Presently available for download:
(edited by Peter Kovács, contributions by László Bluttman, János Bruhács, James Crawford, Gilber Guillaume, Rosalyn Higgins, Eszter Kirs, Ferenc Kondorosi, Péter Kovács, Vanda Lamm, Dobromir Mihajlov, Hisashi Owada, Péter Paczolay, Alain Pellet, Árpád Prandler, Marcel Szabó, Erzsébet Szalay-Sándor, Gábor Sulyok, László Valki)
Proceedings of the conference of October 16, 2010 having the ambition to embrace the main fields of interests of the former ICJ judge Géza Herczegh, namely 1) diplomatic history of Hungary, 2) human rights, protection of national minorities, international humanitarian law, 3)issues and challenges of the International Court of Justice, 4) the protection of national environment in international law and 5) constitutional jurisprudence and European and international law.